Contact Us:
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students

BAME Students Officer:
Hi I’m Daniel Dwyer the BAME Students Officer at NUASU! I work with the university and other student officers to represent, support and campaign on behalf of BAME Students at Norwich University.
NUASU defines a BAME student as anyone who self-defines as Black, Asian or any other minority ethnic group this can include but is not limited to African, Middle Eastern, Caribbean or Asian descent; and/or descended from the indigenous populations of the Americas and/or the South Pacific.
As a student officer, I sit on the Students’ Union Steering Committee and work alongside the SU President to ensure the interests, ideas and feedback of BAME Students are heard and acted on. Here are some of the things you can contact me about:
Campaigns, projects or initiatives – if you have an idea, we want to hear it!
Feedback, complaints or concerns relating to your experience of studying at NUA or living in Norwich.
Representation of BAME students at SU, University and National level.
If you would like to get in touch, please contact me via:
Interested in this role?
Our Liberation officers are elected annually in the summer term and start their role from September. You can view the role description here. If you think you would be a great BAME Students officer, nominate yourself when elections open!
Support at NUA:
Norwich University aims to be an inclusive and supportive campus. However, we know sometimes things can go wrong on and off campus. If you would like to speak to the SU, please contact the BAME Officer or You can also pop in to the SU Lounge, located in the basement of St Andrews House during normal office hours for a confidential chat.
During your studies, Student Support are available to help with a wide range of issues that might affect you.
Student Support are located on Floor 2 of Francis House. You can make appointments to see Student Support at the Student Enquiries office in St Georges or at Francis House Reception, by phone (on 01603 610561) or by email (
The bookable appointments run from 10 – 4pm Monday to Friday with a drop-in facility between 9am - 12pm on Monday & Wednesday mornings and between 1pm-4pm on Friday afternoons. These operate on a first come, first served basis in Francis House. Evening drop-in's also run throughout the term; one in St George's and one in Boardman House. Details of all the drop-ins can be found on the NUA intranet.
External support providers:
Norwich Minority Support Service – part of the Norfolk NHS Wellbeing Service, Paola at the Minority Support Service is keen to hear from you and can shape the support the service provides to your needs.
The Bridge Plus: Norfolk based black/Asian and minority ethnic (BME) organisation providing regular community events, campaigns for race equality and regular magazine promoting black voices.
Norfolk and Waveney Mind: Adult community services including Wellbeing support, group activities and 1-2-1 sessions.
Activism and Campaigns:
NUASU is committed to fighting the injustice of racial inequality and campaigning on issues that disproportionally affect BAME students. Here are some campaign areas that we are continuously lobbying on:
Hate crime and Microaggressions
We work with students confidentially when any concern of racist or discriminatory actions happen on or off campus. NUASU has a zero-torelance policy towards racism, hate crimes and micro-agressions.
What types of incidents may be hate incidents?
verbal abuse like name-calling and offensive jokes
bullying or intimidation
physical attacks
threats of violence
hoax calls, abusive phone or text messages, hate mail
online abuse for example on facebook or twitter
displaying or circulating discriminatory literature or posters
malicious complaints for example over parking, smells or noise
Microaggressions may include:
touching someone's hair
crossing over to the other side of the street to avoid someone from a different ethnicity
being treated less favourably or with more suspicion in a shop than a white person
ignoring someone's messages in a group chat
offering more support or help to white students
talking over people with lived experiences of the issue
All incidents and experiences of hate crime whilst studying at NUA – whether on campus or off campus - should be reported to student services who can support you and/or the individuals affected by hate crime. Incidents are taken seriously and NUASU operate a zero-tolerance policy towards hate crimes, harassment and abuse.
Celebrating Diversity:
NUASU runs a variety of events throughout the year to celebrate diversity at Norwich University.
During Black History Month in October to celebrate Black culture and provide a safe social space for black students at Norwich University, the SU works with the Afro-Caribbean Society to design a programme of events which are educational, celebratory and fun.
The SU has some big plans on expanding the way it celebrates diversity. Have an idea? Get in touch!
Racism and Mental Health
Black Minds Matter UK - Their mission is to help make mental health topics relevant and accessible for all black people in the U.K.
Young Minds: resources for mental health and low wellbeing